Ananas ist hier um dich dem Wassersport, sowie anderen Aktivitäten näher zu bringen, so wie es sein sollte - wir haben Spass und eine gute Zeit. Uns liegt es am Herzen dich zu unterrichten und dich neue Fähigkeiten zu lehren, damit du und andere sicher Kiten könnt. Grundlegend macht uns aus, dass wir uns Ehrenvoll unserer Arbeit widmen und das wichtigste für uns ist eine persönliche Verbindung mit jedem Gast der uns besucht, und zu einem guten Freund wird.
Our students' feedback
How many lessons do I need to learn to kitesurf ?
Most people need around 12-20 hours, a package for five/seven lessons to get up and ride with the board safely.
Is kitesurfing dangerous ?
Never try to teach yourself! Better to take lessons with an experienced and certificated instructor to show you all the details about safety systems and what to avoid during your kite session.
What I need to take for kite lesson ?
For kite lessons we recommend to take your shorts and sunscreen for the first lesson because it will be on the beach.
We are ready to provide wetsuit,harness, helmet... (for students – free of charge).
I just want to try kitesurfing. Can I take just one lesson ?
Unlike windsurfing, one hour kite lesson is not enough to fully experience the charm of the sport. The first hour of kite lesson is held on the beach. To understand how attracted you to kite, we recommend to take at least a 3-hour course after which you will be able to definitively determine the benefit of the sport!
How to get to Essaouira ?
You can find different options, like buses, most of our guests prefer to take a transfer and we are happy to organise that.
What is Moroccan currency ?
The Moroccan currency called ‘DIRHAM’