Ananas ist hier um dich dem Wassersport, sowie anderen Aktivitäten näher zu bringen, so wie es sein sollte - wir haben Spass und eine gute Zeit. Uns liegt es am Herzen dich zu unterrichten und dich neue Fähigkeiten zu lehren, damit du und andere sicher Kiten könnt. Grundlegend macht uns aus, dass wir uns Ehrenvoll unserer Arbeit widmen und das wichtigste für uns ist eine persönliche Verbindung mit jedem Gast der uns besucht, und zu einem guten Freund wird.

Unsere Aktivitäten

Unsere Aktivitäten

Essaouira bietet die besten Wettervoraussetzungen für dein Kitesurftrip. Mit konstantem Wind von 15 bis 30 Knoten über das ganze Jahr, findet man schlecht einen anderen Ort der so regulierte Windtage bietet.
Unsere Lektionen finden in kleinen Gruppen statt, die von uns unterrichteten Methoden sind sicher und sehr effizient. Wir bieten jeden Tag Lektionen an, sowie 6 bis 7 Tage Anfänger Kitesurf Unterricht. Der zeichnet sich dadurch aus, dass die Schüler so bald als möglich aufstehen, auf das Brett kommen und fahren können. Unser Ziel ist es unsere Schüler so zu unterrichten, dass sie selbstständig Kiten können in einer freundlichen und entspannten Umgebung. Die Kunst des Kitesurfens erleben, Spass haben und Erfahrungen sammeln an unserem wunderschönen Strand. Egal ob du ein Enthusiast, ein Anfänger oder ein erfahrener Kiter bist, unser Team schaut, dass du in guten Händen bist. Also, lass deine Zweifel zu Hause und lass uns gemeinsam eine Menge Spass haben.

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Surfen ist wunderbar und sehr beliebt. Wellenreiten und das Meer geniessen, das klärt dein Kopf. Es ist der perfekte Mix aus Aktivität und Entspannung. Ananas Kitesurfing bietet freundliche und sicherere Lektionen an. So wirst du diesen Sport einfach lernen und wirst zum Surfer in kurzer Zeit. Unser Team ist die ganze Zeit bei dir und betreut dich. So kannst du Spass haben und die bestmöglichen Fortschritte machen während der Zeit mit uns. Uns ist die Qualität sehr wichtig und unser Ziel ist es, dass unsere Gäste von einer langanahaltenden Erinnerung profitieren können. Du wirst jedenfalls die warme, freundliche Atmosphäre der Surfkultur in unserem schönen Essaouira geniessen. /p>

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Our Packages





Our students' feedback

Tatyana A
Tatyana A
the most reason to come back to Essaouira Oh, Kitesurfing Ananas is one of the most reason to come back to Essaouira! First, i was immersed to the best of chilling and open-hearted atmosphere in this place among many places i've passed by during my Morocco trip Miss Anas, miss his puppy Rocky and all guys Second, i've tried to surf for the first time in my life and i was provided with thorouhgly structured and easy guideline, Anas knew answers for all my questions and every instruction he gave was super accurate and on-time, so there was no problem at all to sadle the surfboard and get my portion of joy! In addition, i got a super caring attention to my past sport traumas. Waiting for the time when i will be able to come back to get my next sessions (hope you'll manage to find xs woman wetsuit for me :) ) And at all, wish every surf spot in the world has the same Ananas as well!
Kitesurfing lessons with Ananas What a great kitesurfing sessions with Anas! I had my first three days kitesurfing with ananas and his team, the vibes out there is magical...easy acces to the beach and had some amazing sunset moments. Can not wait to go for another one as soon as possible Thanks to Ananas, Ayoub, Ismail and everyone there for his great times
Great kitesurfing experience I can assure you that Anas has the best kitesurfing staff and instruction, it’s an excellent place to learn as I am still a beginner. Kitesurfing equipments are all pro and in very good shape. Anas, my instructor gave me a lot of tips on how to improve in each step of the lesson. I HIGHLY recommend you to give the kitesurfing a try if you are in Essaouira with Anas and his team. Thank you so my for the great experience.
Hassan M
Hassan M
Great kitesurfing lesson with Anas Thanks to Anas for his grrat lesson. I had no enough time to go for more lessons, but definitely i will be back to Essaouira soon. Choukraaan
Great experience Thanks to anas and his team. Learning how to kitesurf was a great experience, highly recommended for everyone. My friends and i had a really good time there. Essaouira is a very lovely place. I will definitely come backe again.
Nada Z
Nada Z
Club de haut niveau, très professionnel bien équipé Very nice surf club, high level, pleasant setting, located on the edge of the magnificent Essaouira beach, managed by an excellent, professional team. I was so well received, I spent pleasant, unforgettable moments The coaches are top, very welcoming, that impressed me .... I will be back soon.
Cora S
Cora S
Fantastic team : 100% recommend Anas and team were fantastic surf instructors. Myself and two friends visited Essaouira from Ireland and couldn't have been happier with the town, the people and especially the surf lessons. Anas even showed us some fantastic local restaurants where we could find the best fish and tagine in town. I can't recommend Anas and his team highly enough, 100% recommend you checking them out if you're in Essaouira
Ahmed Ka
Ahmed Ka
Great vibes Anas was always there to help me improve my kitesurfing skills, thanks again for eveything. After all, every visit to Essaouira its a must for me to hand out at @ananaskitesurfing school
Weekend in Ewsaouira Thanks to Anas and his team for teaching us during our weekend in ESSAOUIRA! We are going to be back soon
Vidrequin M
Vidrequin M
GENIAL ! Souvenirs géniaux, les cours sont supers, le spot génial, Ananas est vraiment super sympa, patient, et pedagogue. Je recommande les yeux fermés et j'ai hate d'y revenir


How many lessons do I need to learn to kitesurf ?
Most people need around 12-20 hours, a package for five/seven lessons to get up and ride with the board safely.
Is kitesurfing dangerous ?
Never try to teach yourself! Better to take lessons with an experienced and certificated instructor to show you all the details about safety systems and what to avoid during your kite session.
What I need to take for kite lesson ?
For kite lessons we recommend to take your shorts and sunscreen for the first lesson because it will be on the beach. We are ready to provide wetsuit,harness, helmet... (for students – free of charge).
I just want to try kitesurfing. Can I take just one lesson ?
Unlike windsurfing, one hour kite lesson is not enough to fully experience the charm of the sport. The first hour of kite lesson is held on the beach. To understand how attracted you to kite, we recommend to take at least a 3-hour course after which you will be able to definitively determine the benefit of the sport!
How to get to Essaouira ?
You can find different options, like buses, most of our guests prefer to take a transfer and we are happy to organise that.
What is Moroccan currency ?
The Moroccan currency called ‘DIRHAM’